
class 14 Fall 2015

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Collect Final Draft of Essay I

Product Evaluation Follow up

Discuss Product Evaluation Project (Essay II)



Read “Review: Fitbit Charge HR” by Christina Bonnington


Complete Response 2

Begin thinking about ideas for Project




WOW Chapter 9: Evaluation



Arguments over evaluations occur whenever people disagree about the positive or negative qualities of a thing.



Evaluation arguments set out criteria and then judge something to be good or bad or best or worst according to those specific criteria (WOW page 275). Usually we rely on these criteria in order to evaluate something:


  • aesthetic standard (judgement based on appearance--beauty, size, shape, color, etc.)


  • practical standard (judgement based on usefulness, functionality, cost/value, accessibility)


  • ethical standard (judgement based on ethics and morals)

Product Evaluations

“Start Your Engines: Remote Possibilities” (pages 266-269 in WOW)

by Steve Campbell




-basic evaluation essay of a product in general

-would we see this kind of evaluation essay today?  How would it be different?



Paragraph 1: What does this first paragraph of the evaluation do?

Note point of view--why is "YOU" okay here?


Paragraph 2:

Introduction of solution/product

Evaluation Thesis


Something is good because of criteria A, B, and C.




Evaluation Thesis Statement:

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they are undeniably convenient, easily obtainable, and reasonably priced.


What type of criteria are these?

Aesthetic, Practical, or Ethical


Notice the mechanics of this thesis statement--how each item in the list is parallel.

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they are

undeniably convenient

(because they are) easily obtainable

(because they are) reasonably priced. 



As opposed to an evaluation thesis like this:

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they offer undeniable convenience, it is easy to obtain one, and reasonably priced.


(because they) offer undeniable convenience

(because they?) it is easy to obtain one

(because they?) reasonably priced



If we wanted to begin like this:

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they offer undeniable convenience...

how would we make the other two criteria parallel?


Determining the Structure/Organization of an Evaluation Argument


Worksheet Doc

Evaluation Argument Structure and Organization Worksheet


“Start Your Engines: Remote Possibilities” by Steve Campbell



This essay is organized into 5 sections which all serve a different purpose in developing the Evaluation Argument:


I. Introduction

II. Background Information

III. Criteria 1 Support

Feature A

Feature B

IV. Criteria 2 Support

V. Criteria 3 Support


However, the essay does not follow the 1 section=1 paragraph structure. Instead, each section is split into multiple paragraphs, and Campbell uses bold headings to help organize the essay.



Paragraph 1: Introduction—describing the problem/setting up a need for the product

Paragraph 2: Continues Introduction—presents product as solution to the problem

Presents Evaluation Argument Thesis/Road Map for the Essay

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they are (1) undeniably convenient, (2) easily obtainable, and (3) reasonably priced.



Paragraphs 3 and 4: Provides background information about how remote starters work and how functional and efficient they have become


Now, we move back to the road map—to explaining and supporting the criteria for evaluation



Paragraph 5 begins to support ______________________ (what criteria?)


through the example of _______________________ (feature A)


What does Campbell specifically illustrate about feature A in order to support his evaluation argument?






Paragraph 6

Continues to focus on _________________ (what same criteria?) by providing more


Information about __________________ (feature A).


What is this claim?




Paragraph 7

Continues to focus on _________________ (what same criteria?) by offering yet another


example about ____________________(feature A).


What is this claim?




III (B).

Paragraph 8

Continues to focus on______________________ (still the same criteria) but moves on to


another example, which is __________________________ (feature B)


What is Campbell’s first claim about feature B in this paragraph?




Paragraph 9

Continues to focus on ______________________(still the same criteria) by offering


another example about ________________________(feature B).


What is this example about feature B?




Paragraph 10

What is the purpose of this paragraph?

Does it still focus on Criteria 1/feature B? Does it do so in the same format as Paragraphs 8 and 9?







II. Paragraph 11

Shifts to ________________________(a different criteria)


and offers support for this criteria through __________________________________________________________(what example?)



Paragraph 12

Continues to focus on ____________________(the same criteria)


and offers support for this criteria through

__________________________________________________________(what example?)




Paragraph 13

Shifts to ____________________________(a different criteria)


And offers support for this criteria through

____________________________________________________(what information?)



Paragraph 14

Continues to build on __________________________(the same criteria) by connecting it


to the related topic of __________________________________ and presenting the


reader with _______________________________________________(what important, final impression?)





I. Introduction (paragraphs 1 and 2)

1. undeniable convenience 2. easily obtainable 3. reasonably priced

How does the essay follow the road map?

Remote starters are a beneficial purchase because they are undeniably convenient, easily obtainable, and reasonably priced.


II. Background about Remote Starters and current innovations (Paragraphs 3 and 4)

III. 2 categories of Support for Criteria 1: Two-Way System and Timers

1. The Two-Way system is one feature that provides undeniable convenience because

  • it has all the functionality of a remote fob and more (paragraph 5)
  • it eliminates guesswork (paragraph 6)
  • it has interactive and easy to understand display and alerts (paragraph 7) 


2. Timers are another feature that provides undeniable convenience because

programmable to start at predetermined times and run for a set duration of time (8)

timers can also be programmed to activate heater/ uses temperature sensor (9)

a warning--remember to shut it off

III. Support for Criteria 2: easily obtainable

can be added to your vehicles existing system (11)

can also accommodate diesel engines (12)

IV: Support for Criteria 3: Cost and Installation

make sure you are getting what you pay for/professional installers (13 and 14)



Introduce Product Evaluation Project

Start thinking about ideas!

Discuss Response 2 Assignment






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