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class 8 fall 2015

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Narration/Introduce Essay I

Narrative Topics and Introductions

Discuss “Road Trip”




Read “Momma’s Encounter” (Handout)

WWI Email due by  Sunday night (instructions on today's page, follow email protocol)

Start thinking about Essay I topic



iscuss Response 1 



Instructions for WWI Email:

  • Send me an email at asherj@macomb.edu before class on Thursday (follow proper format/etiquette)

  • Include WWI in your subject line

  • Include a sentence or two from your Reflection Essay or Response 1 that contained mechanical errors (CS, Run On, Mid Mod, Awkward, etc.) and that you are not entirely sure how to fix. Write these sentences as they originally (incorrectly) appeared in your essay.

  • Optional: we can not cover all of your mechanical concerns in one class period, but if you can think of another issue that you'd like me to address (now or in the future), please explain share this with me.


Exploring An Event: WOW ch. 5





"It isn't necessarily what happens that is momentous--it's what happens as a result of the event. What did you learn? How did you change?" (85)


"Perhaps the event gave you insight into the type of person you want to be. It might have enlightened you intellectually, or it might have made you stronger. Some events change us immediately, while others affect us more gradually" (85).



Conventions of a Narrative

  • tells a story
  • uses the conventions of storytelling: plot, character, setting, climax, and ending
  • or, in some genres, it is organized thematically (in either case, it must have some understandable sequence)
  • relates conflict of some sort
  • told from a defined point of view (usually the author's)
  • relates events that are important in your life or that have a profound effect on you
  • blends expressive, informative, and persuasive writing
  • makes a point--it can be implied or implicitly stated
  • includes sensory details/ these details are carefully selected to explain, support, or embellish the story
  • includes many details that relate to the main point you are trying to make
  • uses vivid and precise verbs
  • may use dialogue
  • personalizes your experience: many people may have experienced similar situations, but what makes a narrative interesting is when it is written in a fresh, unique way
  • it does more than tell about an event; it recreates it (show, don't tell)



In the next few weeks, we will read different types of narratives with different purposes, audiences, style, structure, etc.


As we continue to learn about narratives, make sure you pay attention to the various genres. That way, you'll be able to decide what genre best fits your style, topic, and purpose.





"Road Trip" by Sandeep Jauhar







genre: narrative (traditional)


Analyze Introduction: What can we tell from reading it?

-What should the introductory paragraph(s) include?


How would you describe Jauhar's writing?


Style: manner of expression; how a speaker or writer says what he/she says.


Tone: the writer's attitude toward the material and/or readers. Tone may be playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc.


Intern: A Doctor's Initiation by Sandeep Jauhar




Discussion Questions:


What is Jauhar's purpose in writing this narrative? (inform, express, persuade, entertain)



Who is Jauhar's audience?

How does he tailor his essay for his audience?

How does Jauhar make this essay meaningful to his audience?


A strong narrative "shows" instead of just "tells." How does Jauhar use descriptive language and sensory details in order to personalize his experience and connect with the reader?


  • Identify descriptive language and sensory details



Figurative language changes the literal meaning, to make a meaning fresh or clearer, to express complexity, to capture a physical or sensory effect, or to extend meaning. Figurative language is also called figures of speech. The most common figures of speech are these:







In the conclusion of “Road Trip,” Jauhar states, “I was beginning to appreciate what it was going to take to make me into a doctor—into a man” (95). What does he mean by this statement, and how does he address this purpose throughout his narrative essay?



The conclusion:

What is Jauhar's technique in closing this piece?

What are we looking for in a narrative conclusion?


Jauhar's title




Essay I Instructions




Essay I: Narrative


Choosing a Topic (pg. 103)


  • What do you want to look for in a topic that you choose?
  • What must you keep in mind when choosing a topic?
  • What topics may you you want to avoid?

Understanding Constraint (pg. 108)


Choosing your topic to fit the scope of the assignment (2-3 pages)

What does this mean?


The Rhetorical Situation (pg. 105)

Your goal is to shape your writing so that your readers understand your message

In order to do so, you have to take the rhetorical situation into consideration

present your narrative in a way that positions you in a larger conversation--it's personal--it's your story, but it needs a purpose that your audience can grasp

Often, narratives reflect a general theme in a personal way


First, you must understand your audience (Questions on page 105)


Questions about your purpose (pg. 106)


Choose your genre (pg. 106)







Brainstorm Topics/Prompts


general ideas that will work well for narratives




Objects---link to a specific event

Places--link to a specific event


Routine experiences that shed new light on the world around you






I never realized ___________ until I experienced ________________.


I never realized that (a daily routine or task) revealed so much about _______________.




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